Tag Archives: drugs


I’d prefer if the hauntings were real and not in my head. As much as I tried when I left, I couldn’t get him out of my mind. He would email me (or vice versa) when he was fed up with his gf. I wouldn’t leave my bf for him, as much as I wanted to. I couldn’t allow myself to be in love with a man, whose demons of PTSD took over. The most you’ll get out of me are tears or self harm when I’m struck by my adolescence. He would take my keys so I couldn’t leave. He bruised my arms trying to get me to stay. I did. Every time but the last. Sadly it was because my son was present when he came at me choking me. The commotion woke my son and he came in to check and that moment is really blurred. I think I was gonna pass out but the minute I felt his hands let a lil loose I jumped off the bed, scooped up my 70 pd son (like he weighed nothing) put him under my arm and ran out of the house. He burned all my belongings. 

Yes this is the man I miss. Could it be my PTSD just gravitates me to bad people. I saw past it because I knew the real him. The smart, funny, cute, & a great listener. The listening part bit me in the ass cos anything I said was potentially used against me.

I once asked him, on lsd, what were the most vivid monsters in his head. His response haunts me also. It was during a transport they were attacked. The third hummer in the convoy was blown up. When they finally fought off the enemy, he had to clean up, which meant find bodies. His mind flipped when he found a brother in arms, from the explosion disemboweled. He focused all his energy making sure blown up bits got to their rightful owner. His officer stopped him when he was trying to get a mans intestines back into his body.

I would say that’s enough to make a person who grew up sheltered, askew. He graduated high school in June of 2001. Sept.11 happened and two days later he was signing his entry papers to be a marine.

I miss this man so much. It’s only been 4 months since he died. I hadn’t seen him in months but got an email that was out of the norm for him, the week before he died. Telling me he didn’t care if I was with my bf, that he wanted to see me regardless. What was out of character was he was explicitly raunchy. I didn’t know how to answer him. All these feelings flooded back. The email I was writing in response still sits as a draft waiting to go off into his inbox that he will never see.

I always knew with Mateo that if I needed him to take me in, he would. I don’t have family due to being the black sheep cos I have ugly dirt against the “normal” brother. I haven’t had a real friend since I moved over 14 years ago to this state. It’s always friends of my bfs. I don’t feel like I belong anywhere. I’m gonna be 40 and I have no one I can truly share my feelings with. I reached out to an old “friend” after seeing her at a New Years party. She was wanting to hang out and play catch up. I reached out saying I had stuff on my chest I needed to get out. Stuff I couldn’t share with my bf. She read my message, never responded.

That’s what makes me believe that a lot of people who commit suicide aren’t this big surprise. I can’t be the only one to reach out. Reach out for a friend and be negated. At the lake house I talked with a girl about it being mateos death anniversary and that I don’t normally talk about it in front of my bf but really needed to. She seemed genuinely interested at first. I got the anniversary part out and was gonna continue. Holding back tears I watched each word so that I wouldn’t say something like I’m still in love with him, even tho he’s dead. Just in case she wanted to report back to my bf. Something interrupted us and I kinda wanted to gear if she was listening. So I sat there for a moment waiting for her to say-go on or something. She’s like what were we talking about? I looked around kinda dumb and said I’m not too sure. She said well it must not be important if we both forgot. Then she excused herself from the table, leaving me alone.

Granted these are kids younger than me. But at 27 you really should have empathy, sympathy, anything. I don’t believe anyone takes me seriously. I know if I left my bf, all these friends would cast me aside too.

Leaving me with nothing. My kids are still away and until I’m bringing in some money, whether disability or through a job, they have to stay where they are at. I don’t see a reason to keep on going. No family no friends, just my bf and I. I just want something I can never have.


Well said I was staying at a friends lake house. These are my bf friends who have befriended me. I am the oldest person here. Making me really depressed I could have birthed some of these kids here this weekend.

I’m over anxious so I’ve been sleeping horrid. Picking at my face, primarily nose, any moment I can. Felt like a huge bubble along side my nostril. So I pushed at it and it emptied out throughout the night. As if having man hair, due to cysts on my ovaries, isn’t bad enough. Now I make these horrible deep caverns when picking at my face.

I keep thinking how my 40th is just a few months away. Also thinking a lot about if I’m gonna make it til then. No mood stabilizers so I’ve HAD to take my bfs lithium this morning. I’ve been really depressed over my age. Won’t even allow myself to drink along with them. I mean I did. But the more I drank the more drunk they would get and I’d get on guard. As soon as a couple passed out from binging one girl was getting mean and confrontational with my bf. Another was hitting on my bf with me sitting right there. So I went to the room and told them I was going to sleep. I waited over an hour for my bf. Contemplating breaking it off with him. Only cos I’m in love with a ghost and I can never love anyone like that. 
I grow weary of being the adult. Well the rational adult. I remind my boyfriend of his meds but mine are all over the place. His meds dull his emotions. Which is awesome when sad. But it blocks happy or sympathetic or ANYTHING.

He is a great listener and tries really hard. The ride back home was a mood swing a thon. Telling him all these feelings and shit that makes me sound like q broken record. Unless I pose a question, will he speak. Even rivers of tears won’t rouse him. That’s the only flaw I find in him. He is otherwise the man I always wanted. Taller than me, same music, similar family. Mental illness. He told me once he was scared that the docs would “fix” me and I would leave. The only thing I fear is him giving up and breaking up with me. He knows I think of Mateo but won’t speak of it. He sees me covering my eyes and holding back tears to songs that are for Mateo. He tries by changing the station but I know he likes these songs for us. To fit him and me. But they don’t.

I just want to be ok for more than w day or so. Or there’s not much left, but my kids, holding on to my life on this side. 

dubbed unforgiven

that dumb pill….

I’d like to thank Prozac for ruining any decision making from here on out…

I will never see myself the same way again. so disappointed this is my life…

no self harm or suicidal racing thoughts have calmed…It was scary…still freaking is…

call it early midlife crisis, ssri withdrawal, idc…I came to terms that my will was broken but not destroyed…I’m not happy about the damn ssri, but I will take it if it’s beyond my control. it was, still kinda is, but I had no control due to giving up…

mostly im disappointed with myself that I allowed myself to torture myself from discontinued ssri…I can take every other day if needed. just knowing it’s even going to leave my system I’m unhappy. I hadn’t set my mind to much in a long time(in sense of me). like I was proud I was actively doing something. even through the drowning in my lungs, screams that make no sound & tears no longer seem possible.

anyone who reads this and is on ssri please talk to your doctor, outweigh risks vs benefit. if you’re in an ok place and think you can ask your doc to taper…DO NOT QUIT COLD TURKEY!!!
I have done a lot more substances that I am not ashamed but not super proud of. quit and walked away with maybe a day or two of dope sickness. yea, that sucks too, but not as bad as this withdrawal.

yea I have wasted nearly two months suffering. it wasn’t from pride, come the fuck on, it was torturing or punishing myself. best fukn self harm without mutilation physically EVER. I felt and feel like my insides is a towel that is being wrung dry. I absolutely outdid myself.

at least, that is what I have made up in my mind. my world crumbled around me and I stood, watched, and helped destroy.

dammit I am a good person and good friend. I once prided myself in loyalty. to friends, family. the ones I had feelings for. the lying, well, damn I started hella young, couldn’t admit anything was wrong , wouldn’t shame my family. let alone embarrass myself. it was a cop out, yes, I had reason cos I believed myself. I had soooo many years searching, hoping, longing to fit in. all the crap to make this person accept me. bending over backwards years upon years, trying to please and go above and beyond for people to just want to be my friend. I guess there’s no good reason (the reason that’ll help me sleep) from today forward if I meet a person I’m not going to just open myself up to be hurt and used. I disgust myself.
but I’ve done that forever. my audible hallucination was the biggest cunt always ranking on me for one thing or another. two against zero. I thought I missed her. I just am scared of being alone with my thoughts..I gotta try something different.
this is pretty dang close to bottom. I’ve lied to the man I love and lied to the one who loves me. unfortunately they are two different guys. I’ve tried to get hard drugs online with ads on Craigslist. May as well walked the damn streets. lost control of my kids and had not even tried to better myself to get them back. I have no respect for myself and that is sad and scary.
I’m still batshit crazy but it’s slightly clearer.
this online journal has been my refuge. writing the above paragraphs is way beyond years of therapy. although anonymous as anna molly is, am hellacious enough to have shared this with one solitary man.
Willing to show you my world, maybe show you why I’m this mess. but at the end of the page, when I hit publish, it’s not going to make what led to now any different. won’t take back my actions or his words. if it’s meant then it’s gonna happen. I truly believe this cos I’ve never felt this ever. if it’s not meant, then I will say thank you so much for bringing out love in me. thank you for believing. even in moments were brutal truths felt like knives. I’ve learned so much about me through him. shout out slim.
I’ve got a bunch of crap to even start getting back on my feet.

that dumb pill, huh?


im reminded of recess

the song from nirvana…back on the tape bleach.

yea, tape.

“just my luck, no recess…”

called my headshrinkers office to get back on prozac til my appointment next week. shes out for the day already, and off tomorrow. her nurse said she’d get an email over. its not like im asking for any controlled substances, just some ssri, cos at least prozac goes away quicker. i can only hope this is the paxil withdrawl. the way of my head, i need some sort of explanation. its not me. but it is. but its not.

i did absolutely surface cut myself and added a burn. had to do something. im going fucking crazy.

you know why? cos no one believes anyone actually has illness in their head. bad stigma? fuck you. cancer doesnt have a bad stigma. would it be easier to comprehend to the world that i had a brain tumor? its sad cos i know it is not only me. sooooo many people living each day trying to playing the rouse. so that they can work and support themselves, and look like it has no bother. those are the secret junkies and alcoholics, or abusers of spouses, friends, themselves.

reminds me of a book by vice i used to own. the only part i recall is I CALL BULLSHIT. it was short stories about myths. so this is where annamolly calls bullshit.

. im gonna stop my lies of my life. i will not kill myself as much as i will not to wake up. failed twice, so ill fuck it up again. so no worries folks.

also i am chickenshit. big time. not so much chickenshit but the fact i have this conscience. this thing blows monkeys. i dont want to give a rats ass about anyone else so i can do this and finally follow through with something all the way.

so i call bullshit on me.

i will also call bullshit on any plans that my mind has on a daily basis. dreams and aspirations are lies. plain and simple.

i dont believe them so why the hell do i even bother to speak them out loud.

I don’t care

nothing is anything. to have these words sent to me has hollowed what I thought was empty:

You have darkened my outlook on people. You have darkened my heart. I do wish I had never met you. You are a terrible person. This is goodbye. “

as much as I’ve been telling all that will hear—cries for help fall on dead ears. then the day will come and all those people will say”why didn’t she say anything?”

the lady friend who was giving me any shred of hope in humanity wrote that top quote.

I have been craving nothing but drugs for weeks. craving the drugs to stop myself from serious harm.

I have nothing left inside. cept the will to be gone.

“nothing can stop me now cos I don’t care anymore…”-nin
